Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Obama and The Future
But Obama isn't. I submit that Barack Obama is another Carter, another Mondale, another Dukakis and even another LBJ. In a recent speech, Obama said: We can't expect to drive our SUVs as much as we want and eat as much as we want and keep our homes at 72 degrees and expect the rest of the world to be OK with it.
Of course, the audience applauded wildly as I thought to myself "what is wrong with these people?" The message here and in other Obama speeches seems to be reminiscent of LBJ's "we must accept a greater government activity in the affairs of the people" comment. It seems to evoke thoughts of Carter's "national malaise" speech. It brings back thoughts of Dukakis's weakness on crime and of Mondale's pledge to raise taxes. And it reminds one of Senator Fulbright's notions that the Constitution it outmoded and that our system of individual freedoms cannot solve the complex problems of today.
The message is not optimistic, but unbelievably pessimistic. What is he really saying here? Here's what it seems like to me:
Americans must accept that we have too much in this country. We've lead lives of excess for 30 years, and now we come to accept that the world will not tolerate us anymore. We must learn to do with less. Less food, less oil, smaller houses, smaller cars and smaller lives. We must join the global community and accept that we cannot continue to use as much of the planet's resources as we do. We must do with less.In my judgment, this is the speech Obama really keeps giving. How is that "hope?" It might be "change," but is it change for the better? Of course not. I for one reject all those notions. I further propose that McCain gives his own speech, one that is truly optimistic and hopeful:
Moreover, Americans must look to government to solve their problems. Americans cannot solve the issues of health care, gas prices and the credit crunch without the government getting involved or even taking over these areas. We must accept a greater government activity in the affairs of the people. We need the government to break us out of this national malaise.
In Iraq, we must have peace at any price. If we pull back now, we can achieve detente with the terrorists. We should just admit that the war is an utter failure and was started by lying liars and that we wasted 4,000 lives and 500 billion dollars.
My fellow Americans,
My opponent has suggested that we have too much. He thinks we must accept a future where our children have less than we do. And why? Because we have too much already. We're too successful, and now we must pay for it. That's my opponent's position, but it's not mine.
I say that we declare that we want more for our children, not less. We want better housing, better food, better security, better health care and better financial success. We should declare that we, as Americans, can solve any problem. We can become energy independent and energy efficient. We can win the war in Iraq. We can defeat terrorism. We can solve health care, the credit crunch and the national debt. We can have all of that. And why shouldn't we think those things. After all, we're Americans. We defeated Hilter. We went to the moon. We won the Cold War. We unleashed technological and economic growth the likes of which the world has never seen. And we did it without national health care, green taxes, carbon credits, mortgage bailouts and setting a date for defeat in war. We did it because we're Americans, and that's what we do.
Wow..that kind of makes on miss Ronald Reagan more than ever, doesn't it? The problem, of course, is that Barack Obama doesn't understand the notion of American Exceptionalism. If he does, he derides it instead of embracing it. To Obama, we're the world's fat bully, and he wants to slim us down. But we know we're not that, even if we do make our mistakes. And McCain? He's not Reagan. He'll probably never give that speech.
But at least he's not Barack Obama.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Reid and Pelosi: Killing American Troops
Of course, even opponents of the troops surge realize that it has only just gotten up to full strength, and it is too early to tell whether it has accomplished the goals the President intended.
And let's not forget: We have boots on the ground. We have troops fighting, bleeding, sweating and dying for their country right NOW, as we speak. And Pelosi and Reid just told them they've failed. This gets more American troops killed. Terrorist forces that want us out of Iraq know that the more troops they kill, the more Reid will declare defeat and ask for a pullout. It's like handing the insurgents victory on a silver platter. It's one thing to discuss turning over security responsibility to the Iraqis, but...Jesus. Worst of all, it's politically motivated, just as it was when Clinton and Obama voted against the emergency funding bill (and Clinton voted to send those same troops into harm's way).
But wait! If you order now, there's still more. Reid also was overheard earlier in the week, as he spoke to a liberal group. He was heard talking about how Generals Peter Pace (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and David Patraeus (unanimously confirmed by the Senate as commander of American forces in Iraq) were incompetent! The pandering and intellectual dishonesty is beyond disgusting.
And this is all because the Democrats don't have the cojones to end the war with a straight vote. It's all politics. They need the Left for the primaries. But since they can't and won't keep their promise of ending the war, they'll pander and play political games. The problem is this time, the pawns are the troops in the field.
Immigration Update: Lott, Now You're On My List Too
The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: “Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem.”
At some point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in “younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill."
Ding! Another Republican Senator on my shit list. Once again Trent: We tell YOU what to do. We ARE talk radio. Without US, there would be no Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
Had enough? I have. I don't know about you, but I think the problem is that CONGRESS is allowed to run the country.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Party-Induced Stupidity
Monday, June 11, 2007
Congress: Positively Un-American, Part Deux!
And we’re back. Days after I wrote about my dissatisfaction with President Bush over the immigration bill (and many other things), the immigration bill “died.” Yippee.
2. AFTER #1, we want you to address the people already here. They will be required to register with Homeland Security within 1 year. They will be given a tamper proof ID card. They will pay taxes. If they commit crimes (3 misdemeanors or one felony) they’re gone. No social services for them. Fail to register? You go home. Forever.
3. All guest workers who want to be citizens go to the back of the line. If they cannot prove they came here legally top begin with, they pay a $5,000 fine. Both legal and illegal immigrants will be required to learn English to become citizens.
4. We want a federal law prohibiting communities from NOT enforcing federal immigration laws. We can ask anyone to prove they are legal. If they’re not, they get reported and deported.
5. Fine employers of illegals to the tune of $100,000 per worker with a maximum $10,000,000 fine. Three offenses and the offending employer goes to jail.
That’s what most Americans want, Congress. We’re not racists. We’re not stupid. We want meaningful reform. We recognize the contributions many illegals make and most of us realize you can’t deport them all. We just want the border secured. We want laws enforced. We want you to stop lecturing us. We're supposed to lecture you. After all, we're in charge. You might do well the learn that.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I Don't Know How Much Longer I Can Hold Out
I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Congress: Positively Un-American
If the polls are to be believed, then the American people want to pull out of Iraq. They also don't support the troop surge. So, Congressional Dems and some Republicans have decided that they will do what the people want.
Except, no...that's not what they're doing. They're not opposing anything. They're not pulling out or stopping the surge. Why? Because they believe it's political suicide. They frankly don't have the conjones to do what they claim the country wants. No, instead they're going to pass a non-binding resolution, claiming it "supports the trooops" but disagrees with the President's decision to send them into a war zone. Huh? How does that work? They're saying "we support you, but we don't support your mission nor your Commander-in-Chief!" How do you think that comes across to the reservist about to deploy? Not so well, I think.
I also think such a resolution is not just a bad idea, it's unpatritoic. That's right, unpatriotic. I said it. Despite what you may hear about conservatives, I don't know a single one that feels opposing the war on principle is unpatriotic. And I certainly wouldn't be saying that if Congress passed a binding resolution calling for withdrawal, or a timeline for withdrawal, or denying funds for the surge. As much as I disagree with that position, at least it would be intellectually honest. At least it would be honorable. But this non-binding resolution is a terrible thing. It's far worse than pulling out, or denying funds. It's worse because the President, exercising his authority as Commander-in-Chief, has put troops into harm's way. Agree or disagree, that's his decision. And Congress? They're sending a clear message that they don't really want those troops there....but they're also not going to pull them out, as they could do. Pull them out or don't. Don't undermine both the troops and the President.
It's dishonorable. It's pure political rangling. It's pointless. And it's Un-American.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Obama: Where's the Beef?
So what's the issue? No, it's not that he's a Democrat. It's that while he's praised as a "breath of fresh air" and a a political maverick of sorts, he's nothing of the kind. He's inexperienced. He's served two years in the Senate and has zero executive experience. His speeches are filled with endlessly repeated platitudes about Hope and Taking Back America. That's just the start.
In his official announcment speech, Obama said this:
"Let us be the generation that reshapes our economy to compete in the digital age. Let's set high standards for our schools and give them the resources they need to succeed. Let's recruit a new army of teachers, and give them better pay and more support in exchange for more accountability. Let's make college more affordable, and let's invest in scientific research, and let's lay down broadband lines through the heart of inner cities and rural towns all across America.
And as our economy changes, let's be the generation that ensures our nation's workers are sharing in our prosperity. Let's protect the hard-earned benefits their companies have promised. Let's make it possible for hardworking Americans to save for retirement. And let's allow our unions and their organizers to lift up this country's middle-class again.
Let's be the generation that ends poverty in America. Every single person willing to work should be able to get job training that leads to a job, and earn a living wage that can pay the bills, and afford child care so their kids have a safe place to go when they work. Let's do this.
Let's be the generation that finally tackles our health care crisis. We can control costs by focusing on prevention, by providing better treatment to the chronically ill, and using technology to cut the bureaucracy. Let's be the generation that says right here, right now, that we will have universal health care in America by the end of the next president's first term."
There it is. That's really Obama's entire speech. Let's boil it down further:
- Universal Health Care
- Anti-war
- Government created prosperity
- Broadband internet for the poor
- Hire more teachers, pay them better, raise student achievement
- Guaranteed comfortable retirement regardless of income or ability to work
Hmmm. Anything new there? It sounds like every Democratic candidate's stump speech since Carter. Yes, Obama, we know the Dems want Universal Health Care. Nevermind that you're pretending Americans have a Constituional right to health care. Nevermind the staggering cost. We already spend $350 billion a year on medicare alone. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
You're anti-war, Obama. I guess there is at least some consistency in that position, whereas Hillary "Rodham" Clinton (sounds presidential, right?) and others have flip-flopped on this issue more than a half-dead tuna. But it's nothing new, and he's offered no real alternative other than getting out. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing new.
You want the government to spread the wealth. You use the tired and rather infuriating (to me) cliche' that "all Americans who work hard and play by the rules should have a decent living standard." Huh? Where does it say that? But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing new.
You want broadband internet for the poor. Sound familiar? Don't you ever wonder what the "universal access" charges and federal taxes (which are up to 30% of your phone bill) are for? That's right! Bill Clinton did the same thing. Now we want more money...because dial-up isn't good enough. After all...HDTV is next. Students can't learn without that! The poor should have equal access to the New Media Age! Do you think that Obama would be willing to subsidize my $156 Comcast bill, a 2/3 of which is phone and internet? Probably not. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing new!
You want to hire more teachers and pay them better. OK, fine. I'm a teacher, and I think both of those are needed things in most parts of the country (pay is frankly not an issue in Suburban Philadelphia, but let's put that aside). But how is he going to do that? You'd need to increase the Federal Education budget by tens of billions. You'd need to mandate better standards (and by better, I don't mean tougher, I mean SANE). And how do you propose to raise student achievement? The NCLB needs work, take it from me. But what do you propose, Obama? But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing new!
You want better retirement too. Here we go again, more standard Democratic rhetoric. Social Security is their Holy Grail of issues. And of course, the Republicans want to destroy it! This tactic has been working for 50 years, and they're still using it. I won't even get into the fact that retirement is a relatively new concept historically speaking. No one deserves to retire because they "follow the rules." But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Wait for it....wait for it...can I get a "Nothing New?"
So what do we have here? We have an inexperienced, nice looking well-spoken black man (almost!) who seems to have the support generated by a Cult of Personality. We don't have someone with new ideas. We have the same liberal platform. And of course, the liberal media has ordained him the Jesus Christ of the Democratic Party.
But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.